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——————◆ 20190524 ◆——————

  • Facebook计划在2020年推出“GlobalCoin”货币(Facebook plans to launch ‘GlobalCoin’ currency in 2020)








    Facebook is finalising plans to launch its own crypto-currency next year.

    It is planning to set up a digital payments system in about a dozen countries by the first quarter of 2020.

    The social media giant wants to start testing its crypto-currency, which has been referred to internally as GlobalCoin, by the end of this year.

    Facebook is expected to outline plans in more detail this summer, and has already spoken to Bank of England governor Mark Carney.

    Founder Mark Zuckerberg met Mr Carney last month to discuss the opportunities and risks involved in launching a crypto-currency.

    Facebook has also sought advice on operational and regulatory issues from officials at the US Treasury.

    The firm is also in talks with money transfer firms including Western Union as it looks for cheaper and faster ways for people without a bank account to send and receive money.

  • 同样都是 Staking 经济,本体的北斗节点有何特点?

    在 Staking 生态中,有一个很重要的角色 —— 节点,节点负责网络的安全运行,并参与社区的治理,也同时连接项目方和普通用户。目前节点的玩家有交易所、钱包、矿池、资本方、KOL 个人和创业机构等。

    站在一个 PoS 的项目方的角度来看,如何去设计一个节点的机制?有什么样的设计目标?怎么样去更好的服务(或者管理)好节点?节点有什么样的参与门槛?节点的成本收入是怎么样的?这些问题都是想要申请成为节点的「机构」所关心的。

  • 解决比特币三大困境,DCR 的混合共识究竟是什么?

    在成为 Decred 发起人之前,Jake Yacom-Piatt 很长一段时间都在做学术,在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校拿到了物理学学士之后继续攻读了硕士,2004 年拿到了芝加哥大学的物理学硕士的学位。2010 年 Jake 创办 Conformal Systemes,一直资助比特币的开发工作。Conformal Systemes 同时也是目前 Decred 承包商之一 Campany 0 的前身。

    2013 年,Jake 和其他比特币开发者用 Go 语言写作了一个不同于 Bitcoin Core 的全节点钱包 —— btcsuite 钱包。Jake 一直从事比特币的开发工作,同时也观察到比特币受到矿工控制越来越严重,也就越来越担心比特币。在中本聪的设想中,比特币持币者、开发者、矿工都能够参与比特币的事务及决策,而且比特币挖矿人人都可参与,一 CPU 即一票。比特币的共识应该是来自以上所有相关利益方,但比特币的发展却越来越受制于大矿工。

  • 波卡概念证明(PoC)4带来全新stake方式


    一个健康的PoS系统需要大量的验证节点及大量抵押资金来确保网络的安全。PoC-4为波卡的提名权益证明(NPoS)系统带来了新的staking功能,包括增强的验证节点密钥管理、新的离线验证节点选项以及“离线”(off the table)奖励,使验证人能够更加安全地验证网络,并激励网络参与者对他们进行提名。

  • Celer x Matic:迈向2层扩容方案的整合之路(Celer x Matic: Towards an Integrated Future of Layer-2 Scaling Solutions)

    TLDR; 这标志着全球首次整合两个互补的链下扩容解决方案,以带来最流畅的区块链用户体验,并显着降低使用成本。

    Celer和Matic都是第2层扩展解决方案,Celer目前专注于通用状态通道,而Matic目前专注于侧链技术。对于状态通道网络,与Matic集成意味着可以显着降低初始化,最终结算和协议故障保护的成本和延迟,从而消除一些关键的用户体验摩擦。对于侧链,与Celer Network的通用状态通道技术集成意味着用户之间的高频,实时交互成为可能,零成本和跨侧链和侧链到根链即时资金转移和智能合约交互也成为可能,因此侧链用户可以自由地移动资产而不会出现任何交叉链延迟。

    TLDR; This marks the world’s first integration of two complementary off-chain scaling solutions to bring smoothest blockchain user experiences and significantly reduced cost of usage.

    Celer and Matic are both layer-2 scaling solutions with Celer currently focusing on generalized state channel and Matic currently focusing on side chain technologies. For a state channel network, integration with Matic means that the cost and delay of initialization, final settlement and protocol failure protection can be significantly reduced and therefore remove some key user experience friction. For a side chain, integration with Celer Network’s generalized state channel technology means that high-frequency, real-time interaction between users become possible with zero cost and cross-side-chain and side-chain-to-root-chain instant fund transfer and smart contract interaction also become possible, so that side-chain users can move assets freely without any cross-chain delay.

