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——————◆ 20190523 ◆——————

  • Nexus Mutual Launch - 我们的数字合作社将如何运作(Nexus Mutual Launch — How our digital cooperative will work)






    1、Becoming a Member

    2、Initial Phase

    3、Token Model

    4、Purchasing Smart Contract Cover

    5、Initial Token Allocation

  • 了解开发人员:对比特币核心的分析(Knowing the developers: an analysis of Bitcoin Core)

    通常,当我们想到开源软件时,我们想到的是这样一幅景象 : 成百上千的开发人员都在为一个项目自由地工作。诚然,任何人都可以使用开源编写代码并提交提案,但其中大部分都完全依赖于基于性能的系统。对一些人来说这可能并不奇怪,但许多受欢迎的公共区块链项目最终将向所有人开放,而建设这些项目的人只占少数。

    随着比特币 (Bitcoin) 和以太坊 (Ethereum) 等公共区块链的日益流行,了解这些项目的实际开发者是谁、他们为谁工作 (如果有的话),以及对目前开发方面的进展进行全面分析是很有用的。通常,当你听到某些项目的时候,你会听到它们明显的使用案例,某个使它在其他项目中脱颖而出的特性或者是它们筹集到了非常之多的资金等等,但是,经常被遗忘的是在幕后实际工作和设计这些网络的人。

    Usually when we think of open source software, we think of the picture of hundreds of developers working freely for a project. Sure, anyone can write code and submit proposals using open source, but most of them rely entirely on performance-based systems. This may not be surprising to some, but many popular public block chain projects will eventually be open to all, and only a few people will build them.

    With the increasing popularity of public block chains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, it is useful to know who the actual developers of these projects are, who they work for (if any), and to make a comprehensive analysis of current developments. Usually, when you hear about certain projects, you hear their obvious use cases, characteristics that make them stand out in other projects, or they raise a lot of money, etc., but what is often forgotten is the people who actually work behind the scenes and design these networks.

  • 硬核:分片项目交付进行时,一文读懂 Harmony 特点、优势和挑战


    Harmony 就是一个希望通过分片技术,打破公链扩容瓶颈的项目。在打造现代化巨轮的同时,还试图建造了和以太坊一样的房子,让用户可以实现快速迁移。

    如果说投项目就是投人,那么 Harmony 的创始人谢镇滔就是位典型的硅谷技术专家兼创业者。谢镇滔毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学,专注于研究安全通讯协议和编译器校验技术,曾在微软研究院总部任职研究员,在 Google 任职高级软件工程师,负责基础架构方面的项目,并在苹果公司总部担任工程师,主导搜索排序方面的工作,他曾创立一个专注于移动搜索的公司 Spotsetter,并被苹果公司收购。

  • Github的9600万个存储库中最有价值的存储库的Top100(GitHub’s Top 100 Most Valuable Repositories Out of 96 Million)

    GitHub不仅仅是一个带版本控制的代码托管服务 - 它也是一个庞大的开发人员网络。





    有开源项目的大型专有玩家 - 谷歌,苹果,微软,Facebook,甚至百度。与此同时,还有一个中国的反审查工具的项目。

    The sheer size of GitHub at over 30 million accounts, more than 2 million organizations, and over 96 million repositories translates into one of the world’s most valuable development networks.

    How do you quantify the value of this network? And is there a way to get the top repositories?

    Here at U°OS, we ran the GitHub network through a simplified version¹ of our reputation algorithm and produced the top 100 most valuable repositories.

    The result is as fascinating as it is eclectic in the way that it does feel like a good reflection of our society’s interest in the technology and where it moves.

    There are the big proprietary players with open source projects — Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and even Baidu. And at the same time, there’s a Chinese anti-censorship tool.

