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——————◆ 20190520 ◆——————

  • 什么使区块链安全?(What makes blockchains secure?)

    在过去的四个文件中,我们广泛地介绍了统计与共识之间的相互作用。前两篇文章旨在提供一些关于如何从概率思维中思考共识协议分析的背景知识。另一方面,后两个职位侧重于试图表明在看似不同的协议之间存在概率等价。特别是,第四篇文章介绍了如何以类似于物理系统分类的方式对协议进行分类。我们认为,当两个协议被认为不相等时,必须存在一个相变,当我们试图从一个协议平稳地移动时,使宏观可观察(例如预期的基尼系数或平均分支因子)具有不连续的跳跃。另一个[0]。例如,N),其中N是产生的块数,用于阻塞高度为Ω(log N)的树(例如平衡树),因为我们使块生产率与网络延迟直径的比率更小[1]。

    In the past four posts, we have broadly covered the interaction between statistics and consensus. The first two posts aimed to give a bit of background about how to think about the analyses of consensus protocols from a probabilistic mindset. On the other hand, the latter two posts focused on trying to evince when there exist probabilistic equivalences between seemingly different protocols. In particular, the fourth post covered how one can classify protocols in a manner similar to how physical systems are classified. We argued that when two protocols are deemed not to be equivalent, there must exist a phase transition that makes a macroscopic observable (such as the expected Gini coefficient or average branching factor) have a discontinuous jump when we try to smoothly move from one protocol to the other [0]. For instance, Bitcoin will have a phase transition from block trees whose height is , where is the number of blocks produced, to block trees whose height is (e.g. balanced trees), as we make the ratio of the block production rate to the network delay diameter smaller [1].

  • Opera如何使用ENS分散Web(How Opera is Using ENS to Decentralize the Web)



    We believe that in every instance a user might otherwise see an Ethereum hex address or content hash, they should instead see an Ethereum Name Service (ENS) name. That’s our goal.

    We’re not there yet, but there are many dapps who have already integrated ENS to better serve their users. We’d like to periodically highlight what they’ve done to show our appreciation, to give other dapp developers ideas of how to integrate ENS, and to let users know where they can use ENS. Previously, we highlighted Argent, an Ethereum wallet.

  • Daniel Buchner关于微软为什么要在比特币上建立分散的ID(Daniel Buchner on Why Microsoft is Building Decentralised IDs on Bitcoin)


    金融机构通过期货,高级托管和银行基础设施的到来,唤醒了包括比特币在内的世界; 大公司现在认识到比特币现在是经济的一部分,不容忽视。

    在纽约的区块链周期间,微软宣布推出他们的分散身份计划,该计划将使用比特币区块链来创建用户标识符。在这一集中,我与在微软领导这项计划的Daniel Buchner进行了交谈,我们讨论了微软的文化,ID分散的工作方式以及使用比特币区块链进行非金融交易的道德规范。

    As Bitcoin continues to grow, it is no longer an underground movement for cypherpunks and geeks. Bitcoin has broken into the mainstream while maintaining its core decentralised feature, out of the reach of state control.

    Where financial institutions have woken up to a world which includes Bitcoin with the arrival of futures, high-grade custody and banking infrastructure; major companies are now recognising that Bitcoin is now part of the economy that can’t be ignored.

    During blockchain week in New York, Microsoft announced the launch of their decentralised identity programme which will use the Bitcoin blockchain to create user identifiers. In this episode, I talk with Daniel Buchner, who is leading this initiative at Microsoft, we discuss the culture at Microsoft, how decentralised IDs work and the ethics of using the Bitcoin blockchain for non-financial transactions.

  • 据报道,未修补的以太坊客户造成51%的攻击风险(Unpatched Ethereum Clients Pose 51% Attack Risk, Says Report)



    Ethereum clients that still haven’t patched known vulnerabilities pose a security risk to the entire network, according to new research.

    A report from Security Research Labs that used data, indicates that a large number of nodes using the most popular clients Parity and Geth have been left exposed for “extended periods of time” after patches for security flaws have been released.

  • 硬核:深入讲解 Monoxide 的区块压缩算法 Txilm


  • Monoxide 性能究竟有多高?什么又是连弩挖矿?

    分片技术如今已成为区块链行业最受关注的区块链扩容方案之一,但也长期被认为存在算力分散并易受攻击的缺陷。微软总部研究院前主管研究员王嘉平博士于年初发表的论文中提出了名为 Monoxide 的区块链扩容方案以及连弩挖矿机制,并表示其分片技术可以解决跨片交易与算力分散问题,在测试环境中 TPS 达到 11000,预计测试网将于 7 月上线。

