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——————◆ 20190516 ◆——————

  • 比特币的安全性很好(Bitcoin’s Security is Fine)



    The larger the Bitcoin network grows, the more secure it becomes. Over the long term, an organic security tradeoff will occur between the block subsidy and transaction fees. As network effect becomes larger, demand for block space increases, thus decreasing the need for a block subsidy. We have empirical evidence that this is occurring, and future projections look optimistic. Bitcoin’s block space is a scarce and unique commodity. It will continue to accrue demand.

    The bull market of 2017 wasn’t millions of consumers suddenly using blockchains to transfer money around the world and seeking to minimize transaction, exchange, volatility, and coordination fees. The price elasticity of a Bitcoin transactor is high. Even in significantly higher fee environments Bitcoin block space demand will grow.

  • 太空比特币?Blockstream的Adam Back表示它可以解决连接问题(Bitcoin in Space? It Helps With Connection Woes, Says Blockstream’s Adam Back)

    比特币技术创业公司Blockstream的首席执行官亚当·巴德(Adam Back)在周二的2019年共识会议上发表了一篇鲜为人知的用于从太空发出比特币的用法。


    Adam Back, CEO of bitcoin technology startup Blockstream, dove into the lesser-known uses for beaming bitcoin from space during a presentation at Consensus 2019 on Tuesday.

    The startup launched its cryptocurrency-focused satellite product nearly two years ago with the primary goal of giving people who don’t have an internet connection another way to download a bitcoin full node, the most secure form of connecting to and using the network.

  • 解决闪电网络的支付通道问题(Solving Lightning Network’s Routing Problem)


    Off-chain transactions would allow Bitcoin payments to be settled instantly, privately, and with low fees. Payment channels provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if routing payments require immobile centralized hubs. We propose a solution to the routing problem using probabilistic payments. The network routes payments from sender to recipient through provable games of chance. Games of chance yield an expected value equivalent to payment, while reducing the frequency of on-chain settlement. Finders distribute staked funds. Users join pools to hedge volatility. Through this process a near-complete graph is formed, negating positional advantage among pools.

  • Neutral Dollar 稳定机制(Neutral Dollar Stabilization mechanism)

    1、Neutral Dollar 是一个稳定币的货币篮子,并且因为这种设计上的亚稳定性(metastability),它也继承了稳定币的一些吸引人的特点。这一组合产品让人们可以通过投资组合多元化来获益,以及构建密切跟踪抵押稳定币价格的高效再平衡机制(rebalancing mechanism)。在经过长期的模拟运行后,我们可以对其优越性进行一个整体评估;

    2、Neutral Dollar 的价格与美元一致,并且总体来说价格波动较小,证明其相较于其他潜在竞争对手而言更适合作为稳定币;

    3、由于其多元化的性质,潜在的下行风险得以缓解,这表明 Neutral Dollar 可以对冲特定资本的损失风险,并且是稳定币资产组合的可行选择;

    4、只有市场上出现大量权重失衡的订单时,Neutral Dollar 才会出现比其它稳定币更大的波动率,而这种可能性微乎其微,因为市场活动最终总会达到平仓的状态;

    5、通过货币多元化并将新的稳定币引入 Neutral Dollar 篮子,我们能够在市场上具有竞争力。引入新的稳定币的过程并不会降低篮子本身的价值。

    1、Neutral Dollar is a basket of stablecoins which inherits attractive properties due to its metastable design. Our aggregate product allows for portfolio diversification benefits and the construction of an efficient rebalancing mechanism to closely track collateralized stablecoins. We can make generalized assessments about its superiority after measuring its simulated behavior over multiple time periods.

    2、Neutral Dollar can track the U.S. Dollar and generally has less price movements, proving its worthiness as a better stablecoin than any underlying constituent.

    3、Potential downside risk is mitigated due to diversification, indicating that a Neutral Dollar can serve as a hedge against idiosyncratic capital loss and a solution for stablecoin portfolio management.

    4、In order for Neutral Dollar to become more volatile than any stablecoin alternative, a great deal of imbalance would need to occur, the probability of which is unlikely. This is due to market activity forcing a balanced composition in the open-end structure.

    5、By diversifying exposure and introducing new stablecoins into the Neutral Dollar basket, we’re able to be competitive in the marketplace. The process of coin additions does not detract value from the basket itself.

  • hi,guys,HLC技术沙龙第二期将于5月17日晚上20:00开始。分享内容:HLC的技术选型。

    这次分享的老师是@黄金疯哥 ,他是DAGfans创始人,DAG研究院首席研究员,也是HLC项目DAG技术的leader,他将会用通俗易懂的语言分享HLC在技术选型的思考,希望小伙伴们积极参与。


