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——————◆ 20190513 ◆——————

  • Moloch DAO:瓦解公司制(The Moloch DAO: Collapsing The Firm.)

    组织可能有无数种规模和形式。而区块链让人们可以开展激进且新颖的组织实验。我们已经看到的了 ICO 的爆发(和破灭,就当前来看)。对于大多数人来说,重新思考项目如何产生并长期存在是一件魔幻的事情。ICO 只是一个起点,是即将到来的事物的冰山一角。在本文中,将详细介绍有关Moloch DAO的想法。这是一种新的组织形式(由 Ameen Soleimani, Arjun Bhuptani, James Young, Layne Haber 和 Rahul Sethuram 提出),模糊、重新定义了公司的本质。

    Organisations come in many shapes and sizes. The blockchain allows us to experiment with radical new ways to organise around collective goals. We’ve seen the ICO boom (and bust, for now). For many, it was a novel way to re-imagine how certain projects can come to fruition and exist. ICO’s, however, are only the start and tip of the iceberg of what’s to come. In this article, will detail thoughts around the Moloch DAO. It’s a new type of organisation (developed by Ameen Soleimani, Arjun Bhuptani, James Young, Layne Haber & Rahul Sethuram) that blurs and redefines the definition of a firm.

  • 一个经济原则如何帮助摩根大通和其他人获得3.1万亿美元的区块链价值(How One Economic Principle Is Helping JPMorgan And Others Tap $3.1 Trillion In Blockchain Value)

    2017年10月,美国最大的银行摩根大通悄然透露,一个小型的竞争对手网络秘密测试了一种使用区块链相互发送付款的方式,这种技术首先由比特币推广。该银行负责全球支付的负责人艾玛•洛夫特斯(Emma Loftus)表示,区块链平台承诺通过将交易转移到共享分类账来简化遵守全球法规的流程,可以将使用当前支付轨道所需的时间从“数周到数小时”缩短“。

    11个月后,被称为银行间信息网络(IIN)的一小部分银行已经扩大到76个成员,包括其创始合伙人,加拿大皇家银行和澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团,以及国际银行业巨头,如Banco Santander,SociétéGénérale,Mizuho Bank和非洲商业银行。

    In October 2017, the largest bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase, quietly revealed that a small network of competitors had been secretly testing a way to send payments to each other using blockchain, the technology first popularized by bitcoin. Emma Loftus, the bank’s head of global payments, said the blockchain platform, which promises to simplify the process of complying with global regulations by moving the transactions to a shared ledger, could reduce the time required using the current payment rails from “weeks to hours.”

    Eleven months later, that small group of banks, dubbed the Interbank Information Network (IIN), had swelled to 76 members, including its founding partners, the Royal Bank of Canada and the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, and international banking giants such as Banco Santander, Société Générale, Mizuho Bank, and the Commercial Bank of Africa.

  • 区块链的采用挑战是一个人为问题,而不是技术问题(Blockchain’s Adoption Challenge Is a Human Problem, Not Technical)



    As technology infiltrates our lives, a fundamental conflict is emerging in society, one brought on by two, intertwined forces. First, our existence is framed by a never-ending race for efficiency and productivity, or in the case of the crypto community, for the perfect model, for perfect consensus. But this clashes with the human search for a purpose and meaning, whose discoveries often invalidate applications of technology that otherwise seem perfect on paper.

    It’s in this context that the broad concept of “blockchain” matters. Since my very first encounter with it in 2011, and over the course of my experience as an investor, entrepreneur and corporate executive in this space, I have come to this realization: blockchain is not a technology. In isolation, as a model, it will not be the solution to all our problems as propagated by innumerable hyped-up articles. “Blockchain” as a concept has the potential to be extraordinarily powerful if and only if, we as a society are willing to change our own direction and purpose.

  • Starkad和Poseidon:零知识证明系统的新哈希函数(Starkad and Poseidon: New Hash Functions for Zero Knowledge Proof Systems)

    实践证明系统的领域,如SNARKs, STARKs,或 Bulletproofs,正在看到一个非常动态的发展。这类系统的许多使用案例通常是最昂贵的,证明了在某个加密散列函数下预映像的知识。


    The area of practical proof systems, like SNARKs, STARKs,or Bulletproofs, is seeing a very dynamic development. Many use-casesof such systems involve, often as their most expensive apart, proving theknowledge of a preimage under a certain cryptographic hash function.

    In this paper we present a modular framework and concrete instancesof cryptographic hash functions which either work natively with GF(p)objects or on binary strings.Compared to competitors, our hash functionPoseidon uses up to 8x fewer constraints per message bit compared toPedersen Hash, whereas our STARK-friendly hash Starkad takes winsthe factor of 4 over the hash function Friday by using a much smaller field.

