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  • 莱特币的许多开发者竟也是比特币开发者?

    Litecoin 是由查理·李 (Charlie Lee) 创建的,他之前在流行的加密货币交易所 Coinbase 工作。在讨论莱特币时,重要的是要记住它是比特币代码库的一个分支,这意味着它与 BCH 一样,与 Bitcoin Core 共享提交历史。

    当查看它的开发者活动时,识别谁是真正的开发者就会出现问题,因为正如 GitHub 的数据所显示的,该项目列出的顶级开发者都是 Bitcoin Core 的开发者。


    莱特币最初被创建时,它被吹捧为「比特币的白银」,可以作为比特币的补充,但不能直接竞争。在过去,它对比特币是有益的,比如莱特币激活的代码变化,如 SegWit first。从某种意义上说,它充当了比特币的测试网,能够实时证明拟议变更的安全性。

  • 用Go学习比特币的闪电网络


    Lightning网络守护进程(LND)是“Lightning Network节点的完整实现”。您真正需要知道的是,它允许我们在相当容易的情况下在我们自己的计算机上建立闪电网络。

  • 如何对以太坊进行成功的Eclipse攻击?




    An eclipse attack is a type of attack occurs at a peer-to-peer network level: an attacker gains full control of a specific node’s access to information by eclipsing the node from the whole peer-to-peer network.

    In popular peer-to-peer networks such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, an attacker can perform an eclipse attack by ensuring the victim node no longer receives correct information from the rest of the network but only receives information manipulated by the attacker.

    In other words, an attack occurs when the majority of peers on a network are malicious and are gaining control of the connections of a specific node. Attackers in control of such connections can ensure that this specific node is surrounded by malicious nodes.