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  • 比特币是将经济学、计算机、博弈论和密码学结合的一种超级商品

    BTC 既不是一种「快速致富」的工具,也不是为了在暗网购买大麻而设计的货币。具有讽刺意味的是,比特币确实可以用来购买大麻。为比特币网络奠定基础的基本组成部分之一是时间链,通常被称为「区块链」(请不要与推广 ICO 的营销术语相提并论)。比特币时间链是一个透明的数据库,记录了所有 BTC 交易的历史记录,使 BTC 交易可追溯。这就是为什么你无法造假、破解或欺骗比特币网络的原因。成千上万的人拥有比特币历史账本的副本,如果有人试图篡改某些东西,会被所有人发现,篡改者的尝试将被拒绝,这意味着比特币是防篡改的。

    BTC is neither a tool for “getting rich fast” nor a currency designed to buy marijuana on the dark net. Ironically, the latter couldn’t be further from the truth. One of the fundamental components that lay the foundations of the Bitcoin network is the timechain, which is more often referred to as the ‘blockchain’ (please refrain from adopting this marketing term promoted by profit-focused ICOs). The Bitcoin timechain is a transparent database that records the entire history of every BTC transaction ever made; subsequently making BTC transactions traceable (not something you want when purchasing illegal narcotics). That is why you cannot cheat, hack or deceive the Bitcoin network. Thousands of people have copies of the Bitcoin ledger history and if someone tries to adjust something, all of these people will be alarmed and the infiltrators’ attempt will be rejected, meaning Bitcoin is tamper-proof. The DEA has even stated that they would rather criminals use BTC over a fiat currency like the USD as it is infinitely more traceable thanks to it leaving a digital footprint. Next time you hear “Terrorists use Bitcoin” just laugh at the absurdity of that claim.

  • 相比 Cosmos 和 Polkadot,同做跨链的 IRISnet 定位差别在哪?

    IRISnet 给大家的印象是 : 与 Cosmos/Tendermint 有紧密的联系, 同时拥有提供跨链服务的能力,并且是 Cosmos 上的第二个 Hub, 可以说在其身上的光环还是很亮丽的。

    不过当大家在谈跨链时,首先往往会提到 Cosmos 和 Polkadot, 但对 IRISnet 的定位却不太明确。在跨链生态里 IRISnet不仅有一个很好的占位以及有很强大的合作伙伴,同时他们自身的定位也很独到,他们从面向服务的架构演变出提供计算和服务的区块链集成,让原先中小企业的服务对接更加标准化,同时保证价格透明, 调用过程存在链上不可篡改;更重要的是借助通证实现即刻结算, 没有账期。

  • 闪电网络实验室将推出「watchtowers」重要更新,增强节点反欺诈能力

    闪电网络实验室 Lightning Labs 将在 6 月发布的 LND 软件 0.7 版本中推出「watchtowers」 重要更新。「watchtowers」最早于 2015 年在闪电网络白皮书中提出,其原理相当于将反欺诈功能外包出去,因此用户就不必亲自进行反欺诈监控。闪电网络实验室表示,「watchtowers」部署后,任何路由节点都可以运行自己的「tower」来保护自己的基础设施,使用闪电网络的公司也可以开始运行「tower」以保护自己的节点。

    Lightning Network Laboratory Lightning Labs will launch an important update of “Watchtower” in version 0.7 of the ND software released in June. “Watchtower” was first proposed in the Lightning Network White Paper in 2015. Its principle is equivalent to outsourcing anti-fraud functions, so users do not have to personally monitor anti-fraud.Lightning Network Laboratory said that after the deployment of “watchtowers”, any routing node can run its own “tower” to protect its infrastructure, and companies using lightning network can also start running “tower” to protect their nodes.