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  • 闪电网络路由:正和博弈中的隐私和效率问题




    The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Everybody knows that. Except it’s not true — at least not outside of a Euclidean universe of mathematical abstraction. Everyone who’s watched lightning knows that it doesn’t travel in a straight line. Instead, lightning travels from one point in space to the next depending on the resistance it encounters, automatically finding the most efficient route, one infinitesimal segment at a time.

    Payments on the Lightning Network face a similar challenge, but the network doesn’t have nature’s optimization procedures built in. Lightning (we’re talking about the network now) requires plenty of thought, code, and adaptation to be as robust and efficient as possible. In this post, we’re going to explain how payment routing works on the Lightning Network, what aspects still need improvement, and the routing technologies of the future.

    Currently, Lighting uses source routing and onion routing. With source routing, the source node is responsible for calculating the entire route, from source to destination. To do so, a source node needs to download the entire graph of all public payment channels in order to calculate a route, considering the capacity of all the channels along the way, the cost in fees, and the number of hops required. This process involves a lot of data for a P2P transaction, and that amount will only grow with the network.

  • GitHub 限制克里米亚、古巴、朝鲜、伊朗和叙利亚等多个国家和地区账户访问

    基于美国的贸易政策影响,GitHub 限制克里米亚、古巴、朝鲜、伊朗和叙利亚等多个国家和地区账户访问。根据一名定居克里米亚的俄罗斯籍开发者 Anatoliy Kashkin 在 Hacker News 上发布帖子的描述,他收到了 GitHub 官方通知,告知其美国贸易控制法限制,用户账户被限制。 Anatoliy Kashkin 并不是唯一受到影响的开发者,他在克里米亚的朋友也遭遇了制裁相关的账号受限。另一位来自伊朗的开发者 Hamed Saeedi 也发表博文称,GitHub 封禁了他的账号,认为他「在开发核武器」。

  • Lightning Labs 推出 alpha 版本的闪电网络监测工具 Indmon

    Lightning Labs 为比特币 Layer 2 支付协议「闪电网络」设计了节点监测工具 Indmon,闪电网络用户可获取节点和网络状态信息,目前已推出 alpha 测试版本。Lightning Labs 开发人员 Valentine Wallace 表示,该工具可以便于节点运营商管理节点,让用户监控网络趋势甚至「发现并预防问题」,以及通过图表便于用户查看历史记录、帮助用户「设置最低交易手续费」等。