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  • Ethercluster:Infura的开源替代品



    构建我们自己的RPC端点基础架构背后的主要动机是由于没有Infura包含Ethereum Classic作为连接选项。加上与Infura实际集成的等待时间,以及希望为Infura提供可靠,可扩展和开源的替代品,不仅是以太坊经典,还有任何基于EVM的网络,这是我们推动构建此产品的主要原因。

    Ethercluster is an open-sourced Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Remote Procedure Call (RPC) providing Ethereum Classic (ETC) and Kotti endpoints for free. It does so using the latest cutting-edge infra-as-code technologies such as Kubernetes, Terraform and Docker. It also scales easily with increased usage and demand.

    The Ethercluster website provides information and the endpoints, while the docs teach how to build it from scratch so you can run your own infrastructure.

    The main motivations behind building our own RPC endpoint infrastructure is due to not having Infura include Ethereum Classic as an option to connect to. That coupled with wait times to actually integrate with Infura, as well as wanting to provide a reliable, scalable and open-sourced alternative to Infura for not only Ethereum Classic but also any EVM-based network was the main reason we pushed to build this.

  • Scriptless Scripts 的适配器签名和原子交换







    我们看到这会执行原子交换:如果A签名,则两个事务都执行; 如果A没有签名,则协议超时,并且两个事务都不执行。


    On a high level the scheme works as follows. Suppose A is trying to send coins to B on one chain, while B is sending coins to A on the other.

    Both parties A and B put their coins into multisignature outputs on each chain which require both parties’ signatures to be spent.

    A gives B auxiallary data “adaptor signatures” which allow A to extract a discrete logarithm from a signature on one chain, and conversely to extract a signature from the same discrete logarithm on the other chain.

    B then signs to give A her coins on one chain.

    When A signs to take her coins, B is able to extract a discrete logarithm from her signature.

    He uses this to form a signature on the other chain, giving him A’s coins.

    We see that this executes an atomic exchange: if A signs, then both transactions execute; if A does not sign, then the protocol times out and neither transaction executes.

    However, if each chain requires signatures which use different curves, it is impossible to use the same discrete logarithm in steps 4 and 5. To see this, we need to look at the adaptor signature protocol in more detail.

  • 细数区块链匿名技术:从 CryptoNote 到 Mimblewimble

    针对 BTC 在隐私性方面的问题,各种各样的匿名通证应运而生,并迅速在数字通证市场占据了一席之地,本文细数 CryptoNote、隐私地址技术、环签名技术、Coinjoin、Zerocoin、Zerocash、RING-CT、Mimblewimble 等区块链匿名技术。

    为数字通证的先行者,BTC 已历经十年起伏,具备良好鲁棒性的同时也逐渐显露出隐私保护的局限性。近年来,随着区块链技术、隐私计算技术、密码学技术等方面的发展,基于各种新兴技术为保护交易隐私而创立的匿名通证相继出现。

    2012 年 12 月,第一个针对数字通证隐私问题的协议——CryptoNote 问世。该协议介绍了两种技术:隐私地址技术和环签名技术,分别提供对数据接收方和发送方的隐私保护。

    2013 年 1 月,BTC 开发商 Gregory Maxwell 为提高 BTC 的隐私性提出了Coinjoin 技术,Coinjoin 使用多重签名技术,交易者需各自独立分散完成签名,只有提供了所有签名的交易才能被判定合法,并被网络接收。

    2013 年 5 月,约翰霍普金斯大学教授 Matthew D. Green 等人提出了Zerocoin 协议。此协议提议允许销毁并重新生成数字通证,以保证通证交易匿名化且无需可信第三方参与。次年 5 月 Matthew D. Green 等人在 Zerocoin 的基础上创建了Zerocash,并提出了一种经典的零知识证明法——zk-SNARKs。

    2015 年 10 月,Monero 研究实验室的 Shen-Noether 提出RING-CT,该技术基于 CryptoNote 协议发展而来,是一种隐匿交易金额的技术,同时可加快交易速度。

    2016 年 7 月,Tom Elvis Jedusorand 提出Mimblewimble,该技术保留了 BTC 基于 PoW 共识的优越特性,同时针对 UTXO 集合进行了优化,在大幅提升匿名性的同时,能够极大地节省区块链存储空间。