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  • 钱包服务 Electrum 计划 7 月底支持比特币闪电网络交易技术

    加密货币钱包服务公司 Electrum 创始人 Thomas Voegtlin 表示计划 7 月底 Electrum 钱包将增加对比特币闪电网络交易技术的支持。他表示交易将由 Electrum 服务器与比特币网络进行交互,而非与其他闪电网络客户端整合。闪电网络是一种开发中的第 2 层扩容技术,目标是实现较比特币网络更快的支付、更低的费用和更高的交易吞吐量,目前有多个闪电网络项目正在开发迭代。

  • Cosmos 运行原理:从区块链结构到互操作性

    在区块链领域,Cosmos 是一个「新生儿」。虽然它的理念已经出现有一段时间了,但其开发团队一直在背后慢慢地开发以确保 Cosmos 设计及实现的正确性。这也使得 Cosmos 最近才公开推出。

    因此,有很多人看过 Cosmos 项目之后却不理解它也就不足为奇了。简单浏览 Cosmos 相关资料并不会让他们能够直观地了解 Cosmos,反而会让他们有更多疑问:

    • 什么是 Cosmos?

    「一个由多条独立平行区块链组成的去中心化网络,每条平行区块链均采用 BFT 共识算法(例如:Tendermint 共识)。」

    • Cosmos 的工作原理是什么?


    比特币和以太坊都是区块链,而 Cosmos 是由许多这样并行运行的区块链组成的区块链网络。

    • 与比特币、以太坊相比 Cosmos 有什么不同?

    Cosmos 采用了一种稍微不同的模式:它将应用层与共识层和网络层分开。

    因为 Cosmos 的目标是建立一个区块链网络,所以这样设计是有意义的。在这个区块链网络中,每条区块链是独立的,并且有它自己的需要和要求(即,它自己的应用)。在这种情况下,想要提出一种一刀切的、适合所有区块链的应用层,是行不通的。

    • Cosmos 的特点是什么?

    Cosmos 网络中区块链使用 Tendermint 共识算法。Tendermint 是一个 2014 年诞生的开源项目,「旨在解决比特币工作量证明(Proof-of-Work, PoW)共识算法的速度、可扩展性与环境问题」。

    Tendermint 共识算法是一个 「无视应用层(application-agnostic)的共识引擎」。从本质上讲,这意味着任何区块链都可以使用 Tendermint 共识算法,它是拜占庭容错的,并且使用 PoS 算法来抵御女巫攻击。

    When it comes to blockchains, Cosmos is the “new kid on the block.” While it’s been around for some time now, the team has been slowly building it out in the background to get it right. It only recently launched publicly.

    So it’s no surprise that many people look at Cosmos and don’t understand it. A quick glance only leaves them with more questions than answers:

    • What is Cosmos?

    “A decentralized network of independent parallel blockchains each powered by a BFT consensus algorithm like Tendermint consensus.”

    • How does it work?

    a blockchain is a database that’s replicated across many computers. The database maintains the same state across each computer. In other words, every computer has the same exact data. Together, all of these computers form what is known as a “blockchain network.”

    Bitcoin and Ethereum are both blockchains. And Cosmos is a network of many of these blockchains operating in parallel with one another.

    • How does it compare to Bitcoin or Ethereum?

    Cosmos takes a slightly different approach: It separates the application layer from the consensus and networking layers.

    Since Cosmos is aiming to build a network of blockchains, this makes sense; each blockchain is independent and has its own needs and requirements (i.e., its own application). A one-size-fits-all approach for each blockchain application doesn’t work in this case.

    • What makes it unique?

    Blockchains in the Cosmos network use the Tendermint consensus algorithm. Tendermint is an open-source project that was born in 2014 “to address the speed, scalability, and environmental issues of Bitcoin’s proof-of-work consensus algorithm.”

    Tendermint is an “application-agnostic consensus engine.” Basically, this means any blockchain application can use it to power its consensus layer. The algorithm is Byzantine Fault-Tolerant and uses Proof of Stake as its Sybil resistance mechanism.

  • 共识模型:PoW,PoS和New Pioneer,PoF



    到目前为止,有两种方法。第一个是Satoshi Nakamato在其着名文章中提出的PoW系统。第二个是2013年在论坛中通过讨论而出现的PoS系统。最后,Fleta的PoF(USP-美国专利申请号:62717695)系统是一个韩国项目。

    The way the blockchain works is often confused. Because people are hesitant about how this system can replace banks. Because the banks receive a very high commission due to their transactions. These commission rates can range from 10 to 20 percent for both banks and third parties such as PayPal.

    However, with blockchain technology, this ratio is almost one thousandth. When we exchange cryptocurrencies on the blockchain, someone needs to help make these transactions happen. In this way, we pay a commission to the witnesses who make these transactions happen.

    So far there were 2 methods. The first is the PoW system that Satoshi Nakamato proposes in his famous article. The second is the PoS system that emerged through discussion in a forum in 2013. And finally, Fleta’s PoF (U.S.P-United States Patent-Application Number : 62717695) system, a Korean project.