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  • 介绍Heiswap - 以太坊混合器(Live on Ropsten!)




    Heiswap (黑 swap) is an Ethereum mixer that allows users to ‘wash’ their ETH in a confidential manner (i.e. who the sender sends money to is hidden). At this point in time (3rd July 2019), Heiswap is only able to mask the link between senders and their corresponding recipients, and requires participants to send ETH in fixed denominations.

    This is because if user A deposits some oddly specific number of ETH, say 1.3256, and user B withdraws an amount similar to that (e.g. 1.325, due to fees) around the same time frame, then it is very easy to link user A to user B.

    To “wash” their Ethereum, a user simply deposits a fixed amount of Ethereum into the heiswap smart contract, wait until there are more participants in the pool and then withdraws it from the smart contract.

  • #15443添加getdescriptorinfo功能测试(测试)


    PR 15368 向描述符添加了校验和。由于描述符包含私钥或公钥,其中转录错误可能导致资金损失,因此必须使用校验和来确保正确的转录才是明智的预防措施。

    那些校验和基于与bech32地址格式类似的BCH编码方案。实现中有非常详细的注释 ,解释了如何计算校验和。


    • 是一个纯粹的功能。它没有副作用。

    • 不需要访问任何区块链或mempool数据

    • 无法访问钱包。

    PR还添加了单元测试 并更新了几个功能测试以使用校验和。一个Python实现 还添加校验和。


    Output script descriptor are a language for describing individual scriptPubKeys or HD chains of scriptPubKeys. See the Bitcoin Core documentation.

    PR 15368 added checksums to descriptors. Since descriptors contain private or public keys where a transcription error can lead to loss of funds, having to checksum to ensure correct transcription is a sensible precaution.

    Those checksums are based on a similar BCH encoding scheme as the bech32 address format. There are very detailed comments in the implementation explaining how the checksum is calculated.

    The PR also added a new RPC method getdescriptorinfo that can be called with a descriptor to analyse the descriptor and add the checksum. That RPC method:

    • is a pure function. It has no side effects.

    • doesn’t need access to any blockchain or mempool data

    • doesn’t have access to the wallet.

    The PR also added unit tests and updated several functional tests to use the checksums. A python implementation of the checksum was also added.

    PR #15443 adds functional tests specifically for the new getdescriptorinfo RPC method.

  • BLAKE2bF压缩函数预编译·问题#152·以太坊/ EIPs






    The most frequent concern with EIPs of this type is that the addition of specific functions at the protocol level is an infringement on Ethereum’s “featureless” design. It is true that a more elegant solution to the issue is to simply improve the scalability characteristics of the network so as to make calculating functions requiring millions of gas practical for everyday use. In the meantime, however, I believe that certain operations are worth subsidising via precompiled contracts and there is significant precedent for this, most notably the inclusion of the SHA256 prcompiled contract, which is included largely to allow inter-operation with the Bitcoin blockchain.

    Additionally, BLAKE2b is an excellent candidate for precompilation because of the extremely asymetric efficiency which it exhibits. BLAKE2b is heavily optimized for modern 64-bit CPUs, specifically utilizing 24 and 63-bit rotations to allow parallelism through SIMD instructions and little-endian arithmetic. These characteristics provide exceptional speed on native CPUs: 3.08 cycles per byte, or 1 gibibyte per second on an Intel i5.

    In contrast, the big-endian 32 byte semantics of the EVM are not conducive to efficient implementation of BLAKE2, and thus the gas cost associated with computing the hash on the EVM is disproportionate to the true cost of computing the function natively.

    Implementation of only the core F compression function allows substantial flexibility and extensibility while keeping changes at the protocol level to a minimum. This will allow functions like tree hashing, incremental hashing, and keyed, salted, and personalized hashing as well as variable length digests, none of which are currently available on the EVM.

    There is very little risk of breaking backwards-compatibility with this EIP, the sole issue being if someone were to build a contract relying on the address at 0x000….0000d being empty. Te likelihood of this is low, and should specific instances arise, the address could be chosen to be any arbitrary value, with negligible risk of collision.