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  • Hub 与 Zone 架构如何实现 Cosmos 互操作性



    Cosmos 的做法与上述两者大相径庭。不同于常见的、统摄全网的治理机制,Cosmos 允许每个 Hub 构建自己的治理策略。

    任何持币人都可以发起变更提案,由该 Zone 或 Hub 的验证者和持币委托人对提案进行投票。提案的内容包括但不限于对系统预置参数的变更(例如区块 gas 上限)、软件更新,甚至是 hub 在处理窃币、入侵或漏洞时所采取的政策性升级。

    同样每个 Zone 也具备各自的治理机制。

    As you know, blockchains are an immutable ledger. However, just like any other software, software used to build blockchains needs to be upgraded and iterated on over time. It’s impossible to build perfect software, so changes are inevitable. How a blockchain proposes, decides, and implements changes to the underlying software protocol is called “governance.”

    Bitcoin, for example, relies on the Bitcoin Foundation, Bitcoin core developers, miners, and users to propose and coordinate upgrades. Ethereum relies on social coordination among the Ethereum developers and user community for making such decisions.

    Cosmos does things a little differently. Rather than having one governance mechanism for the entire network, it allows each Hub to have its own governance mechanism.

    Any stakeholder can create a proposal for a change, and validators and delegators on that Zone or Hub can vote on proposals. These proposals can include things like changes to preset system parameters (e.g., block gas limit), software upgrades, or even policy updates for how a hub would deal with theft, hacks, or bugs.

    Also, each Zone can also have its own governance mechanism.

  • 共识算法 HotStuff 科研用代码开源,提供可运行演示版本

    共识算法 HotStuff 科研用代码在 GitHub 开源,Hotstuff 协议作者 Ted Yin 告诉链闻,HotStuff 代码提供了一个能直接运行的演示版本,该代码遵守 Apache 协议,在遵守署名及免责规则的情况下,可以用于商业用途。HotStuff 论文由云计算公司 VMWare Research 团队发表,其安全性及可用性已经过完整的数学证明,与 Tendermint、Algorand 等经典 PBFT 算法变种相比,HotStuff 使用了 threshold 签名,view-change 步骤的复杂度仅为 O(n),具有更强的安全性及速度。此前 Facebook 公布的 Libra 白皮书称,该稳定币的底层 Libra 区块链将使用基于拜占庭容错共识的 LibraBFT 共识算法,LibraBFT 基于 HotStuff。

  • 每周以太坊


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