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  • BCH 双花的唯一受害者竟是攻击者?

    2019 年 5 月 15 日,比特币现金硬分叉似乎遭遇到三个相互关联的重大问题。 「攻击交易」 利用一个漏洞,导致矿工产生空块。 围绕空区块的不确定性可能引起了一些矿工的担忧,他们可能试图在最初的非硬分叉区块链上挖矿,继而引发了共识区块链分裂。

    开发人员和矿工似乎已经制定了一项计划,以复原意外发送到隔离见证(SegWit)地址的资金,上述漏洞可能破坏了这一计划。 这种失败可能导致了进行有意识和协调的两个区块链重组。根据我们的计算,大约有 3392 比特币现金(BCH)可能已经在一个精心策划的交易逆转中成功地被双重花费了。 不过,这次双重花费的唯一受害者可能是原来窃取这笔钱的 「小偷」。

  • 交叉分片



    The challenges of scaling blockchains are well documented. The most successful blockchains in operation today form a linear chain, where each block or update references the previous. Every node on the network stores a complete copy of the ledger history. The singular chain model works extremely well at keeping the entire world in consensus. Unfortunately, it is rather limiting in terms of overall network throughput, since every node needs to receive and validate every transaction that happens globally.

    Many approaches have been proposed to help blockchains scale. The most popular approaches today are layer 2 solutions such as Lightning or Plasma, bigger blocks, and abandoning the idea of a linear blockchain completely in favor of a more scalable architecture. A couple of possibilities exist to replace a linear blockchain: DAGs and sharding.

  • 加密V.3:容量证明

    容量证明(PoC)一致性算法自2014年推出以来,作为Burst区块链的基本协议引入。用于挖掘PoC加密货币块的资源是存储空间,矿工存储预先计算的哈希 - 绘图文件。每次开采一个区块时,矿工从硬盘驱动器读取绘图文件,搜索从存储的哈希计算的最后期限,然后将其提交到池或钱包。提交给网络的最低​​截止日期构成了该区块。

    鉴于硬盘的运行需要相当少的能量(5-10 W),Burst区块链上的一次交易处理使用的电力比一次比特币交易的处理少几个数量级(~100,000)。

    The Proof Of Capacity (PoC) consensus algorithm has been around since 2014, after it was introduced as the base protocol of the Burst blockchain. The resource used to mine blocks of PoC cryptocurrencies is storage space, where miners store pre-computed hashes — plot files. Every time a block is mined, miners read plot files from hard drives, searching for deadlines computed from stored hashes, which is then submitted to the pool or the wallet. The lowest deadline submitted to the network forges the block.

    Given that the operation of hard disks requires considerably less energy (5–10 W), the processing on one transaction on the Burst blockchain uses less electricity than the processing of one Bitcoin transaction by several orders of magnitude (~100.000).