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  • 本体主网上线一周年技术解密活动: 本体克莱因瓶竞赛


    在本体主网上线一周年之际,我们致敬每一位区块链技术开发者,献出一道可有无限解决方案的技术题目–“克莱因瓶竞赛 ”,一周内寻求最优解决代码,并附赠数万ONG奖励,鼓励开发者探索区块链技术的极限。


    The Klein bottle was first described in 1882 by the German mathematician Felix Klein. It is an example of a non-orientable surface with no clear boundary. If likened to a bottle, it will be a bottle which you can never fill up. It is a two-dimensional manifold against which a system for determining a normal vector cannot be consistently defined. Its surface will never end.

    On the occasion of the first anniversary of the Ontology MainNet launch, we would like to pay our respect to every blockchain developer by presenting “the Ontology Klein Bottle Contest”, a technical challenge with unlimited solutions. To encourage developers push back the frontiers of blockchain technology, we will choose the best solution in a week’s time and give away tens of thousands of ONG as rewards.

    Just as you can never fill up a Klein Bottle, it is nevertheless a great achievement to explore the limits of the profound meaning within the limited space.

  • Vitalik 现身北京,详解以太坊 2.0 跨分片交易


    本次大会围绕以太坊生态全景、以太坊未来发展、以太坊开发实战、优质项目案例等多方面展开,邀请以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 及核心技术开发者、海内外知名项目负责人、行业领军人物及以太坊生态精英专家齐聚于此,共同助力中国以太坊技术深度交流和社区发展。

    作为本届大会的重要嘉宾之一,以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在上午的演讲中分享了题为《以太坊2.0之跨分片交易》的主题演讲。

  • 分布式计算网络 Blockstack 发布智能合约语言 Clarity

    分布式计算网络 Blockstack 发布智能合约脚本语言 Clarity,针对预测类智能合约的安全性进行专项优化,目前 140 多个 Blockstack 应用可直接在其产品中部署智能合约,开发者可在 Github 上查看 Clarity 文档和 SDK。据 显示,Blockstack 是一个基于比特币网络的开发平台,希望以去中心化身份系统取代互联网中心化巨头。